Where ordinary ends and magic begins...

Creativity Lab

/ˌkrēāˈtivədē • lab/ noun (informal): The use of the imagination or original ideas in a dedicated space for makers, crafters, artists, and dreamers, especially for the purpose of self-expression & discovery through art and camaraderie.

About the Studio

Celestial Studios is a place of creative freedom where the resources and expertise are available to make dreams become reality. Whether through our immersive art experiences, fantastical photography, or public art exposition…

Celestial Studios will make you believe in magic!

We believe that in order to instill confidence, collaboration is of the utmost importance. Our first priority is to establish a relationship with you to help in your adventure. Drawing from a wealth of experience and experimentation, we can develop unique ideas with anyone – wherever you are in life. Celestial Studios highly values community enrichment through art. The magic extends beyond the four walls of the studio as we tackle a gamut of projects with our local area and beyond.

About Fox

Fox Gradin is a native of Hall County and attended the University of North Georgia. Her work is inspired by her studies of fine art and literature, but her passions lie in bringing the community together through various forms of art; world dance, costuming and theater, traditional and experimental arts, and creativity workshops. Fox started Celestial Studios in 2007 to bring her creative energy to the masses of Gainesville and surrounding areas.

When people walk into the door of my studio, I want them to walk out without the self doubt that they came in with.

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